#152 Practical Generative AI

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on Mon Aug 21 2023 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

with Jeffrey Lancaster, Darren W Pulsipher,

In this episode of the podcast Embracing Digital Transformation, host Darren Pulsipher engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Lancaster. Their discussion delves into the practical applications of generative AI and the profound impact it is set to bring across various industries.


#genai #ai #datamanagement

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In the realm of cutting-edge technology, few innovations hold as much promise as Generative AI. This revolutionary concept, with its potential applications spanning various industries, is set to redefine how we interact with machines and reshape our approach to creativity and problem-solving.

The Power of Generative AI: Transforming Industries

The development of Generative AI has the power to revolutionize industries by automating processes and improving content creation. This technology allows AI systems to generate outputs in various forms including written content and artistic creations. It can simplify tasks like form-filling and content generation, expediting and optimizing processes within organizations. With this innovation, mundane tasks can be streamlined, freeing up human resources to focus on more valuable activities. Imagine a world where routine tasks are simplified and human efforts are directed towards more meaningful tasks.

Human-AI Collaboration: Crafting the Future Together

In the world of Generative AI, there exists a powerful collaboration between human knowledge and technological capabilities. This partnership is evident in the development of genetic sequences and extends to various other uses. The idea of augmented intelligence takes center stage, as humans utilize AI to collect and analyze information quickly. Although human expertise remains vital, AI’s capacity to handle significant amounts of data in a short period is a valuable asset. It’s a mutually beneficial alliance where each side complements the other’s strengths, resulting in improved problem-solving abilities.

Generative Tools: Unleashing New Dimensions of Creativity

The capabilities of generative AI extend beyond a single domain and include various forms of media such as images, code, and sound. This advancement opens up new avenues for creativity and innovation across different industries. An interesting feature of this technology is the ability to adjust the level of creativity, referred to as “hallucination.” This allows the output to meet specific requirements while still giving users the freedom to fine-tune the creative output. Essentially, this tool gives users the ability to utilize technology while maintaining control over the final result.

Empowerment through Technology: A Glimpse into the Future

Technology has a significant impact on our daily lives, with website builders like Squarespace being just one example. Many people wonder if these tools will replace professionals or empower individuals. Most people believe that these tools will empower individuals, helping them take control of their projects. This approach encourages users to be independent while also being critical of their work, which is an essential characteristic of effective technology use.

AI tools are also accelerators that aid in tasks such as coding and writing. They help with grammar, structure, and idea generation. However, they cannot replace human cognitive abilities, emotional expression, and unique perspectives. Combining human insight with AI assistance results in a holistic approach to technology integration.

Generative AI is more than just a technological marvel; it represents a paradigm shift that highlights the symbiotic relationship between human intellect and machine efficiency. This synergy has the potential to revolutionize industries, streamline processes, and unleash new dimensions of creativity. By embracing these advancements and utilizing their capabilities, we can embark on a journey where technology enhances human potential and enables us to accomplish greater feats.

Podcast Transcript


Hello, this is Darren

Pulsipher, chief solution,architect of public sector at Intel.

And welcome to Embracing

Digital Transformation,where we investigate effective change,leveragingpeople process and technology.

On today's episode,

Practical Generative A.I.was special guest Dr.

Jeffrey Lancaster.

Jeffrey, welcome back to the show.

Thanks for having me again.

And we had such a great timetalking last time about generative AIand what is it kind of and let's talkbrass tacks.

Let's talk

What can I do with this new technology?

You and I both agreethis is a pivotal watershed moment.

Whatever the buzzword du jour is, it'sgoing to change a lot of things.

How so?

What are we going to use it for?

So what do you think?

Should we gothat direction? That sounds great.

When I think about the questionof kind of how it's going to be used.


I mentioned last time when we talked.

The shift in mindset requiredto move from information retrieval,which is really the Google Bing, whatever,you know, the search engineview of the world to one where the tool ishelping you generate something.

You know, it's in the name generative A.I.because it is producing some output.

And so then you think about, okay, well,what are the areaswhere people are producing output,either in content creation,which I think is a huge area of creativityand creative endeavors, is a huge area.

You know, a lot of the processesthat organizations haveand they use requirea lot of content generationor even content aggregation as well.

And so there's a lot of,

I think, opportunity thereto expeditethings, to make it more efficientto all of us who've ever sort ofhad to fill outa stack of forms, have probably thought,you know,there's got to be a better way to do this.

And beyond just having something,take information from one databaseand sort of like populate it.

So I think it's important to distinguishwhen we're talking about generative tools.

Distinguishthem from even robotic process automation.

So there's a lot of great use casesfor RPA as well,you know, but when I think about RPA,

I think a lot aboutjust kind of the rote mechanism of thingswhere generative

AI gets really interesting is the factthat you can almost tunehow creative you want it to be.

There's going to be some use caseswhere you want zero creativity.

You want it just.

Like, yeah, you know, creativity.

Not like I was just talking to a vendorand they may come on the show,they're going to actually controltheir infrastructurewith the generative they are.

I don't want creativity.

They're not at all.

They don't want hallucination.

So a lot of people have heard this termof hallucination and it means somethinga little bit differentwhen you're talking about for humansversus for for generative A.I..

But a hallucination is really kindof a metric of how creative do you wantthe thing to beand how much do you want it to kind ofstick to the guidelinesand the framework versus doing somethingthat you might as a human potentiallynot expect it to do?

And so there's other times where you wantsomething to be incredibly creative,you know, if you're using itto, let's say, expand an image,you might not want to have to dictateexactly what goesinto that expanded image.

And there's somegreat use cases from Adobe.

It's called Generative

Fill is the feature that they have.

And so, you know,

I can take an image and

I know what the borders of that image are,but if I expand it on my canvas,

I can actually get generativefill to fill in what's going around me.

And that's a casewhere you might want to tunehow creative it can bebecause you might want it to notdream too big, right?

So take the frame that I'm in right now.

I'd want it to complete the window hereand know that that's a ceiling.

I wouldn't want it, but not a unicorn,not a name.

Or put me in space or something like that.

You know, I'd want it at least make sense.

And so with each of those,that to me is still wherethe human plays a part, because the humanis going to have to tell the generative

I, how creative do I want you to beand what are the guardrailsthat I'm going to give to you?

Okay, let's touch on thata little bit more becausewe've heard the term hallucination beforeand I'm glad you differentiate.

It's not the same as hallucinationsthat people should.


But a hallucination in the world meansand I've never heard it explainedthe way you saidit means creating something,being more creative, creating somethingthat doesn't really exist.

I always saw it as just making stuff.

Up a lie, you know, or something likethe generative air is lying to you.

It's not lying to you.

It doesn't have any intent behind that.

But what it's giving you is informationthat may or may not be factualor truthful, which is fundamentallya creative exercise.

And I think if.

I like that approach, I really do.

Because you say, nowwe can tune that creativity in the air.

So if I want fewer hallucinations,

I turn that creative creativity down.

That's right.

And so for, you know, when, let's say,you know,somebody is trying to providean information access pointand you see this a lot with government,you see this a lot with wayfinding,you see this a lot.

You know, there's different use caseswhere you might wantto provide information to somebody.

You probably don'twant it to take a lot of creativelibertiesin where it's directing somebody.

They still want to get there, butyou might still take creative libertiesin the languagethat's used to describe how to get there.

And so that's where even within onesingle use case,you might still be tuning itso that you're not really cut and dry,which is going to be the MapQuest,you know, ways.

It's just this is what the direction is,but you might want it to be a little bitflowery to be able to say, okay, well,you're going to go here,you know, you're going to go downabout two blocks, is going to bea beautiful tulip tree on your left.

You know,that's how you're going to take a right.

You're going to cross the street.

You're going to go down into the park.

That abilityto recreate the human language of itrequires some amount of creativity,because the prose that you getfrom most of the directiongiving apps and things like thatis pretty cut and dry, right?

It's take a right there's a stop signat the like the left, things like that.

There's not that's not the way that youwould give directions to somebody else.

No, no, not at all.

Yeah you would have a much more kind offlowery prose based way of doing it now.

It's neat.

I think about generative as a whole is,you know, we're talking about kind of textgeneration now, but you can start to thinkabout creativity in other media too.

So whether that's imagery,which I kind of mentioned,but what does creativity mean for code?

What does creativity mean in sound?

What does creativity meanwhen you start talking about creatinggenetic sequences and things like that,which is fundamentally text in of itself?

That's where Ithink having a background in the abilityto understand what the right levelof tuning ought to be, giventhe outcome that you're trying to get tois really, really important.

And that's, you know,the human is going to be kind of thethe mediatoror the moderator of the generative AI.

It's going to be the prompter.

You know, you see a lot of newsabout prompt engineering,but it's fundamentally,

I think, going to be kind of thewhether it's the ringleaderor the handler orwhatever word or analogy you want to use,

I think the human is still goingto have a role in guiding the outcome ofwhateverthe tool is for using.

Well, it sounds to melike the human has more than a role.

It sounds like they're the expert, becauseultimately I have the knowledgeand I'm using the

AI and I lovethe term came up Augmented intelligence.

Yep, I love that term.

I'm using that augmented intelligenceto do the mundane things for me.


Gathering information for me, putting itin in a more descriptive languagethat I can't necessarilyget out of my head.

But the expert knowledge,the subject matter expert is still me.

Yes and no.

And soand this is why I say yes and no to that.

Yes, you're absolutely right.

In terms of I as a human know what outcome

I'm looking for.

I know when I get there,

I know what what I want this thing to be.

But I, as a human, have really bad recallabout large amounts of informationvery, very quick.


And that's where the generative

AI is going to be really useful.

So for a tool to be able to drawon the collected knowledgeof the World Wide Web through a certainpoint in time, that's somethingthat my brain, my teeny little human braincan't, can't comprehend.

But that comprehensive knowledgealso doesn't know what thing

I'm looking for either.

And so I'll know it when I get to it.

But I'm going to.

But you may not know it up front.

I don't have an encyclopedic knowledgeof every discipline that's out there.

And so using that tool to kind of say,okay, let me go out and pull togetherthe right information or what

I think is the right information for me,

I guess is kind of this perego principleish thing.

You know, predator principle is like 8020rule typically used for time management.

I think about it as if I can get the A.I.to do 80% of the work.

I still have 20% left over to do,but that's nowmade me more efficientat whatever I'm trying to dobecause it's gottenme most of the way there.

I like that.

But do you think then, thatas humans in this symbiotic relationshipwith augmented intelligence,do you think that we become moreknowledgeable,not more creative ourselves?

I try.

I'm trying to see where we play in this.

We're not doing the heavy lifting.

We're doing this strategic thought.

We're doingit almost reminds meof the Industrial Revolution 3.0,right whereor even eventhe first Industrial revolutionwhere we started mechanized thingsfor the first time.

And people said,

Oh, you're going to destroy people's jobs.

No, it's shifted their jobs, right?

And people started living longer. Why?

Because they weren'tgetting killed in factoriesor they weren't, you know,getting burned at a blacksmith oror having chronic back problemsfrom being a blacksmith their whole lives.

Now, I had machines that were doing thingsthat humans were doing.

This sounds a lot like the same thing.

But for information workers,is that similar or.

I think I think that's really fair.

I think, you know, you can even extend itbeyond just information workers.

But this ideaand why I think a lot of people are scaredis because, well, one change is hardand it represents, you know, peoplemaybe having to tap into their brainsin a different way.

But I do think what's going to happenis you're going to see the skillsnecessary to do things shift.

So whereas once upon a timeyou might have neededsomebody trained in technical writing,well, now if I feed in a lot of technicalwriting that's been written,

I can get GPT to writein a style of a technical writer.

So do I need somebody exactly to do that?


I don't need the technical writer anymore,but I still need the humanto have the expertiseabout the topic of the writingto make sure that people writingis actually accurate and correct and,you know,is what's being sort of capturedin that writingapplicable to the case that I need.

It may be in a styleand it may sound technical,and this is where peopleare getting in trouble nowadays.

But they're going to have real content.

There's the, you know,the meat of what you want it to have.

And so you see this in the law.

You see this in other disciplines wherepeople write in this style of something,but that only gets you so far.

And so, you know, some other casesthat I've seen be really interesting.

And I think one of the best waysof prompting at least,is to tell itto act like a particular persona.

So in my world,you might say act like a CEO and generatea strategic plan, you know,that accomplishes this, this and this.

And I've talked to CEOs who are doing thisnot to replace their job,but what used to take months and monthsto get to a starting pointof a strategic plannow is ready in a matter of minutes,if not seconds.

And so what it doesis it shortens that cycle upfront,but it's going to extendthe kind of editorial cyclebecause instead of startingwith that knowledge, you're startingwith kind of a frame,a skeleton taking something on.

And you just have to make surethat that skeleton matches.

Let's talk about specific use now,because I think we kind of saidit's aggregation, it's generative, right?


You brought up a great one,which is get me unblocked,start like I need a strategic plan.


That's a good starting pointbecause I know a lot of timesyou're sitting there going,strategic plan.

What do I do in in theyou call it information gatheringthat we that we learnedhow to do in the late ninetiesand early 2000s with Google Yahoo,


I askfor for you new for you new peoplethose are really goodsearch engines back in the daywe went gathering informationso if if we if we play the role of the CIOand I'm going to work on a strategic plan,

I may go to Google and say

CIO, strategic plans, scholarly articlesor best practices, whatever,and I'm going to get 150,000 hits.

I'm goingto search through all those things,find something that matches similarto what I'm thinking,or I'm going to refine my search to go,

All right, Strategic plansfor midsize manufacturing business. Yes.

Well, and that's what most people woulddo, is they would go to their peers.

So in highered, you go to your peer institutions,you said these are the other schoolsthat we compare ourselves against.

Let me go find their strategic planand I'll bring that.

Out because it's public knowledge.

Public knowledge,and I'll use that as a starting point.

And that works reallywell for higher education.

But you're still having to do thatkind of legwork to go and aggregateand make sense of itwhere, you know,

I think a lot of the generative toolsstart to get really powerful is

I can still do that same thing.

But instead of me being the oneto have to make sense of it,what if I could feed it into an enginethat takes thatcontent and spits outalmost a synthesis of it?

Well, it'staking that kind of synthetic brain workand making it happenmuch, much more quickly.

I don't even have to read all of that.

I can just say, you know,here are ten strategic plansand my peers feed those into CBT and say,okay, you know what do they have in commonand what's different about them?

So I could get itto do a compare and contrast.

And that's a really popular wayof using these tools.

I can tell it make me a tablewhere in the table it,you know, give me the top ten waysthat these are similar.

Give me a topten ways that they're different.

What are the themes thatare present in each of these?

You know, is there anything that,let's say institutionally specificor something like so I can use it to beginto ask questions that I would otherwisehave to You know, I can't Google that.

I can't Google.

How are these ten strategic plansthe same or different?

That's not a Google level question.

But if you can give me an answer thatwill digest all of that for me.

And that's really, I think, the cruxof shifting people's thinkingso that it's doing that kind of knowledgeformationwork on your behalf.

So I like I like that because nowyou're still interacting with the tool.

You don't just send ita paragraph and say, Oh, and whateverit spits out, I'm just going to it's.

Going to take an ever decreasing.

That's where people get in troubleand not looking over it,because at thatpoint you've given up kind of yourautonomy to a certain extentand you've given up kind of that.

That's the pointthat you don't need the human anymoreif you're just going to take whateverit gives you,you're cutting yourselfout of the process.

Right? Right. That and that makes sense.

So so the difference is in the shiftbecause I really want peopleto understand the difference.

The difference is, is the aggregationof data and comparison of datacan now happen with the generative APIwhere Google I really can't do it. No.

So you're you're moving yourself upthe value chainin a lot of respects, right?

Because now you're saying you go do thatmundane comparison work,give me the resultsso I can choose what parts of that

I think are going to bebest for my for my specificsituation in and for who I am.

And to me, this is a concern

I actually have that people just starttaking whateverwe already have this problem withwith with Google, right.

Ask ask your kid.

Your kids are still small.

My kids are adults now.

Ask him where truth come from andthey'll say Alexa or they'll say Google.

Yeah. And there's another one. And I go.

Oh, well, but it's also notthe Encyclopedia Britannica.

And it's also not, you know,

I mean, an answer to that questionis actually pretty hard.

And so another framework that

I really like to use is the decay pyramid.

And if you've ever seen this,but it's data.

No, I have not Data, information,knowledge and wisdom.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Yes, I do.

You know, and so I think what Googlegives us is informationand what some of the generative toolsgive us is knowledge.

Now, whether that knowledge is wiseor not still requires the human.

So the humanis still sitting up in wisdom,but it gets us to wisdom more quicklybecause it does some of that syntheticfunction of the data and the informationto get us to knowledge more quickly.

I really like that, and I see

I would have put Google down in dataand information at generative AI,but I like where you've put it.

It makes more sense and we're sittingon the top with wisdom and you hope.

I mean, yeah, so some,some more wise than others.

But yeah,and that's where I.

Think all you have to dois look at tick tock and you know what?

But I think, you know,when people are thinking about use casesfor this stuff,you don't have to get to the pointwhere you're saying,let me give you wisdom,let me give you knowledge.

Even these tools can be usedfor the creationof informationor that communicate notion of information.

And the reason is thata lot of the the generativealgorithms have a perception of empathythat says, you know, there'sthere's a human like qualityto the way that they're spittinginformation back at youbecause of the way that they're built.

And there are times where you mightjust want a more human interfaceto the knowledge basethat you've already got sitting somewhere.

But to access that knowledge baseand to search and query it,it's not particularly friendly.

It's not particularly like multilingual.

It does it doesn't connect to humansin the way that humans need to connect.

So can you use some of thesegenerative tools thento provide that interfaceso that it feels likeyou're talking to a human,it feels like you're getting knowledge,even if underlying that knowledge, it'ssort of just knowledgebeing synthetic information.

So I like thatbecause I've seen a couple of casesnow where they're using generative A.I.as the interface. That's right.


Including a replacement for Alexa.

I have Alexa in my house,so my kids have another tooland some are no way.

I'm never putting it in my house.

I'm like, okay, whatever.

Everyone already knows everything anyway,because you shop online.

But but the new interfaceis much more friendly.

I don't have to be so prescriptivein the way that I say things.

I'm trying to get that exact album

I want to listen to.

I have to say it exactlyand that's to say album in this year.

I don't have to do thatwith the generative.

I can have more of a conversation.

So I like that idea,not just in home automationbut in user interfaces. Yep.

Another company I worked with,

I think I mentioned a little bitthey're putting a generative

AI front end on Infrastructure Manager.

Yeah,what a great idea.

Meaning hey, reboot all the machinesthat have thisversion of the bios and updateupdate the bios on all these machineswith this version done, I mean before,what would I have to do?

I'd have to go and run a queryagainst everything.

Make sure with this it's more the waythat I interact with with the world.

That's great.

I think it's I think it's cool.

And the question is,where does that end? Right?

So do I ever get to a pointwhere I've now trainedthis system, monitoring AI toto act in the case of certain conditions?

And then I say, okay, well,now from here on,whenever you perceive those conditions,you know how I want you to act.

That's not so far fetched now. No.

And where I think that the valuein doing that,or at least setting up the buildingblocks to get there is it's not.

So you can get rid of the network manageror, you know, the peoplewho had been providing those instructions.

But if you think about how often they hadto provide those instructions, how oftenthey had to write that query today,or how often they had to do things,you're not saying,okay, that's going to free up your timeto deal with edge cases,to make sure that everything is runningthe way that it's supposed to,to make sure that we'rekeeping up with the waythe world is changing,to do the things that you really wantto pay somebody to do.

You don't really want to be payingsomebody to do the rotechecking to make sure, you know,certain numbers of machines are upand what to do when they're down.

That'ssomething that the machine can handle.

Okay, So that sounds a little bitlike robotic process automationa little bit.

Well, and you can combine the two.

So it's not to say thatthey're mutually exclusive.

So what you describe to meis a generative A.I.for an endand maybe back a maybe interfacewith some kind of an RPA layer to it wherein order to interpret what I'm saying,

I need the large language model to convertthe way that you and I would speakabout it into the instructions.

To run here to do the back end. Stuff.

And so, you know what, what you bring upis a really good point, thatthese things don't need to stand aloneand they don't have to stand alone.

And in fact, if you think aboutthe way that a lot of the systemsthat I see are built, they're builtfrom a composite of different A.I.models put together.

So we're talking about generally AI.

There's a lot of other models, too.

You know, there'sa lot of natural language processing,there's a lot of sentiment analysis,which is a subfield of that.

You know, there's a lot of machinetranslation, there's a lot ofentity extraction, there's dialogtracking, there's all of these piecesthat go into something that looks likemagic.

And, you know, one of my favorite quotesis the Arthur C.

Clarke quote, Any sufficiently advancedtechnology is indistinguishablefrom magic.

Well, a lot of these things are lookinglike they're magic.

And because of that,it's putting up a barrier to entry becausepeople are saying, well, that's magic.

I can't I can't possibly do that.

But I think if you look under the hood,what you see is typically a handful,probably three or four or five differentalgorithms working togetherto make this human experiencereally engaging and really compelling.

And that's why I think it'ssparking people's imagination,because for the first time, you're seeinghow these pieces that previously existed,how they fit togetherand how they can do somethingthat seems really magical.


Let's talk aboutsome some practical use cases that you seepeople using every day,everybody using notnot sysadmins,not the first one that pops into my mindis communication, written communicationspecifically, probably emailor PowerPoint presentations or papers,memos, whatever.

Or even you are,even if you have to write a love, a loveletter to your significant other, you're

Do you see that as I to me,that's that's probably the number one casethat I see people moving to first,which is I need to write better emails.

And it's the tyranny of the blank page.

Well, it's it's two sides of it.

One is the reality of the blank page.

Which is the classic picturelooking over the author's shoulderand there's the blinking cursor.

And, you know,they just don't know where to start.

So I think, you know,getting a kickstart for an email,a chapter,a white paper, you know, a wedding speech,whatever it is.

These tools are allowing people to do thatmuch, much more efficiently than, again,going out in aggregate. And, hey,give me all of the wedding speechesthat have ever been written or given.

You know, I have to go doall of my research before I get startedwriting the other end of it,which I think is really interestingand compelling, too, is

I've written the thing page that you canyou make it,can you improve my writing or can you,you know,and it's the old kind of like Microsoft

Paperclip thing, but on steroids,which is not justcan you fix my spelling, butcan you now change the voiceof what I've written?

Can you make it longer?

Can you make it shorter?

Can you change the way that it'spresented?

The ability to kind of modifyafter the factis as powerfulas the getting started piece?

And so I might say,you know, I don't know about you.

That's I know a lot of peoplewho are very verbose with their emailswhen they maybe don't need to be.

So this would be one waythat you could start to say, okay,the email doesn't need to be three pageslong, print it outbecause no one's going to read all of thatdown to a paragraph.

And this is now a toolwhich can do that in a waythat is still very intelligentso that it's notremovingkind of the intent of what you've written,but it still provides youwith a way of slicing when a lot of peoplehave a really hard timeslicing the very important critical thingthat really.


Okay so here's here's here'sprobably the big questiona lot of people are going to ask aroundall the all these use caseswe've talked about.

Is this going to cause a loss of skilland knowledge that people rely on today?

I mean, yeah.

And any crystal ballquestion, it's always, always hard.

I don't think so. And I don't think so.

I think it's a new skillthat people need in orderto be able to functionin the business world.

And a lot of peopleuse it in their personal lives too.

So I don't think it's going to beanything to take away from.

I think it's actually going to augment.

And that augmentation really isit'll be interestingto see how it bears out,whether employers expect peopleto be able to use tools like this.

I definitely think you're goingto see some of these tools changeparticular fields.

So it's going to change photography.

It's going to change, you know,because I can now get mid journeyor stablediffusion or daily to create an image.

You know, that's one layer, two thingswhich do I needthe stock photography companyto do that for me anymore?

Maybe not, maybe not.

But then if I get GitHub copilotto be able to do a website layout for me,do I not need a developer anymoreto build that for me?

Or can I build that into somethinglike Squarespace?


So in some ways you might say, well,instead of taking awayfrom people's jobs or specialist jobs,does this now open things upwhere more people can do more thingsand it turns people into more generalists,kind of polymath people,as opposed to requiring the personwith the deepknowledge about a very narrow areato be able to do that thing.

So I'm more of an optimist.

I think. That's a.

You know, I think it's going to open upthe possibilities of closing down.


So that's interestingbecause at the beginning my career,

I was a specialist in clerking and

I loved it because I was goodat it and there weren't a lot of peoplethat were right.

It was.

And I studied it really hard.

I knew aand it did really well for my careerbecause I knew somethingthat no one else knew.

I spent the time to do it.

But what you're talking aboutis more generalist,which means now I as an individual,

I could start a company,

I could take an ideaand take it to full productwith full e-commerce, with social media,the whole thingas an individual,instead of having a full team to do it.

So it is going to shift meinto doing something different.

And it's not going to get ridof the specialist. I don't know.

I think there's always going to be lessfor needing the specialistsand you know, I.

Just won't be as many specialists. Right.

Or or you know, it'salmost a specialization of the specialiststo a certain extent that I think

I consider myself a specialistin a couple of different areas.

Am I going to stop doingthose things that I'm interested inbecause other peoplemight be able to do them too?

No, I still want to, you know,

I'm still going to be coding by hand.

I'm still going to be taking photos,

I'm still going to be doing those things.

But does it now give me potentiallyanother outlet for thosethat specialization?


You know,and I think so it's going to move.

I think everybody

I or,you know, whatever direction you want.

But no, I like to up the value chain.

So we all move up the value chain.

And so, you know,you might have a photographerwho's really good at taking photographswho couldn't make a websitefor their life.

Well, does this now allow themto make the website that they wantto demonstrate or display their artwork?

Maybe it does.

Is it make it so thatyou know,somebody who has a musical inclinationor is really interested in musicbut can't play the pianofor anything that they can now createwhat's in their head?


Does it mean you're also goingto get a lot of bad things?


This is the flip side of all of that,which isit's easier for everybody to write emails.

Are we going to be getting more emailsthat are kind of junky or spam or,you know, that it's harderto kind of look through and say, yeah,this was written by a humanor this was automatedor This is real or something

I should pay attention to or not.

So the ability to expandall of that has a really positive side.

But there's the negative side too,which is we're going to have to filterthrough more stuff to get to the thingsthat we actually want or need.

So it sounds like more work for usin some respects.

Well, you know, if you'veif you've played it this way and you'reletting the machine do 80% of the workthat you're currently doing,you're almost just shifting that workto a different type of thing.

And so,you know,it's I think it's an opportunity.

I think it's an opportunity that noteverybody is going to take advantage of.

And that's okay.

But I think it is going to be somethingthat in ten yearsit's going to be a ubiquitouscommodity.

I don't think it's going to be as specialas it is now because it'sgoing to be built into everything and it'sgoing to be just about everywhere.

Yeah, just like Google, right?

Just like Google is.

And so the big question I haveand we'll end on this,what verb is going to be usedis, is it I've got to get thator instead of Google itor is it going to be I got a gen

I that only time will tell on that one.

On who gets who gets the verb named afterwhat's her name.

You know, there's some interesting studiesthat have been done aboutthe gender of personal assistantsand certain fields,like legal fields and,you know, very authoritative things.

The gender of these

AI assistants tends to be male.

And in others where it's, you know, more,it's more like kind of a subservientsort of gender of yeah, they've, you know,people have tended to make them female.

I think what what'll happen is

I think we're going to end upwith like a name,you know, my putting my sci fi hat on.

I think it's going to be more alongthe lines ofthere being a personality associatedwith a lot of it,as opposed to thinkingabout the underlying technology of it.

And so,you know, like yousaid, time will tell. Butno, quite So what's your what's your name?

Give me your predictionfor your name of the generative

AI that we're all going to be usingten years.

Now, if I, if I could tell you that,

I think I'd probably be a rich man.

But yeah, I don't know. I think

I think the person who invents thatis probably in middle school right now andand maybe hasn't even been exposedto some of these technologies yet.

And that's, I think,where we're going with a lot of this newthink about other emerging technologies,quantum computing, other things.

The people who are going to be doingthat are currently,you know, 8 to 15 years oldbecause by the time they get outinto the workforceand the technology is mature enough.

And so the question is reallywhat would a, you know,a ten year old namethat's going to give you a betteranswer than that.

Because I know ten year oldsthat.

I think, you know,when you think about who's going to beleading this stuff in ten years,that's the people who are going to be age.

That's it. That's it.

Hey, Jeffrey, as always, it's so much funtalking to you.

And I can't wait till we talkingit important. Thanks. Here.

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Digital Transformation today.

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