Jared Shepard

As the President and CEO of Hypori, Jared Shepard is driving the leading virtual mobility SaaS company to transform secure data access and interaction from the edge. Mr. Shepard is an experienced and innovative industry leader with over twenty years of information technology, federal services, and sales experience. He is a U.S. Army veteran who, following his time in uniform, became the Lead Technical Planner for III Corps, U.S. Army. Jared deployed from 2003-2005 with CJTF-7 and MNC-I, where he helped architect the U.S.-built DoD Iraqi network infrastructure. In 2006, he founded Intelligent Waves to support a critical need of the Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO). He personally deployed to build the first Counter-IED Operational Intelligence Center (COIC) into MNC-I, then building COIC capability into every Major Command in Iraq and Afghanistan. Jared grew Intelligent Waves around tactical and strategic needs of the Warfighter. He established Hypori as a company in 2021.

Jared is the Founder and Chair of Warriors Ethos, a veteran-focused 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Jared and Hypori have won numerous awards, including the 2020 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award (Mid-Atlantic Region), George C. Marshall International Center 2021 Innovation Leadership award, sixth place in the Security category as a Fast Company’s Most Innovative Company 2021, two 2022 Gold Cybersecurity Excellence awards, and Monster.com and Military.com “Top 10 National Company for Veterans” from 2016-2020.


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148 - Securing the Remote Worker Through Mobile Virtualization
In this episode of the podcast Embracing Digital Transformation, host Darren Pulsipher engages in an insightful conversation with special guest Jared Shepard, the CEO of Hypori. The interview focuses on the crucial topic of securing remote workers through mobile virtualization. Jared Shepard's unique journey from a high school dropout to a CEO adds an inspiring dimension to the discussion.