Sunny Stueve

Sunny Stueve is the Lead UX Architect for Artificial Intelligence at Leidos, providing over two decades of experience developing user-centered solutions in support of customer missions. For the last several years, she has focused on incorporating human-centered methodologies and accessible design into the agile processes of complex, large-scale, enterprise applications. Sunny walks the line between hands-on support and strategic oversight to bring a human-centered focus to the development and execution of Trusted AI solutions. Sunny received a Bachelor’s in Information Systems + Graphic Design and a Master of Business Administration from Marymount University.


#digitalliteracy #generativeai #transparency


169 - Keeping the Human in AI
In a recent episode of the Embracing Digital Transformation podcast, host Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect of Public Sector at Intel, interviews Sunny Stueve, the Lead of Human Centered AI at Leidos. The podcast delves into the importance of human-centered design and user experience when integrating AI technology.