Ibett Acarapi

America Cloud Security Sales Lead

Ibett joined Intel as a computer engineer after concluding an international business study abroad program. She joined as part of Intel’s sales and marketing rotational program, where she worked in team Microsoft in AI and security. During her time there she collaborated with our Intel team on bringing Intel SGX GA and AI solutions in collaboration with Azure team. At Intel client, she worked with Intel security portfolio and remote manageability to enable and accelerate adoption of Intel technologies through the cloud. Later, worked as Cloud Solution Architect focused on security and AI cloud solutions. Currently is America Cloud security sales lead focused on enabling and accelerating adoption of Intel cloud security and AI solutions.


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143 - Use Cases in Confidential Computing
In this episode of Embracing Digital Transformation Dr. Anna Scott continues her conversation with Ibett Acarapi and Jesse Schrater about Confidential Computing and their uses in AI, and software development.

142 - Data Protection with Confidential Computing
In this episode Dr. Anna Scott interviews Jesse Schrater and Ibett Acarapi about how to protect data using confidential computing.