#143 Use Cases in Confidential Computing

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on Thu Jun 15 2023 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

with Anna Scott, Ibett Acarapi, Jesse Schrater,

In this episode of Embracing Digital Transformation Dr. Anna Scott continues her conversation with Ibett Acarapi and Jesse Schrater about Confidential Computing and their uses in AI, and software development.


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Confidential computing is a revolutionary technology that allows data to be processed without exposure. It is advantageous in artificial intelligence, where sensitive data is involved in model development and deployment. It protects AI models and confidential data, enabling the development of better training models and diverse data sets. Collaboration between experts and enterprises is also affordable through confidential computing, which allows the creation of larger models and protects proprietary data.

The technology is available today and can be used by businesses through various providers, including Azure, GCP, IBM, and Alibaba. OEMs that offer servers for on-prem use also have SGX boxes that can be provisioned with SGX. Confidential computing development expertise is unnecessary to take advantage of confidential computing capabilities, as plenty of solutions allow native workloads to be migrated through the lifted shift model or cloud-first solutions.

To get started with confidential computing, businesses can put the requirement in their RFP and contact a vendor that offers it to incorporate it into their solutions. Many vendors already offer confidential computing solutions, and Intel is happy to participate. Confidential computing provides a new way to manage data, allows businesses to leverage the benefits of cloud or multi-party computing on sensitive data, and ultimately provides a safer environment for companies to handle confidential information.

Confidential computing is a pioneering technology rapidly growing in popularity, given the increasing numbers of data breaches being perpetrated in today’s ever-connected world. Confidential computing allows you to isolate sensitive data within secure computing enclaves or “containers,” which are difficult to access even if an attacker gains access to the host system. Confidential computing is about bringing an additional layer of security to computing environments that require the robust protection of sensitive information or Intellectual Property (IP).

As the podcast explains, there are many ways to implement confidential computing, from leveraging the toolsets provided by cloud service providers (CSPs) to using the services of software security vendors. It’s also apparent that more companies are starting to move towards confidential computing to protect their IP and sensitive customer data.

However, the technology is still in its infancy, and its full potential is yet to be unlocked. Experts agree that one of the most exciting areas to watch is the rise of “smart” confidential computing. This refers to an approach that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve the efficacy and flexibility of confidential computing.

Another area to watch includes the development of advanced threat detection and analysis tools that leverage confidential computing in real-time to improve the analysis of potential threats and accelerate the response to attacks. Whatever the future holds for confidential computing, the technology is evolving at breakneck speed, and its continued adoption is a positive development in the fight against cybercrime.

Confidential computing is a rapidly growing field that promises to protect sensitive data. The industry has evolved and grown so much that now it is worthy of a whole summit dedicated to it. The Combat Edge Computing Summit in San Francisco is the inaugural event to feature confidential computing. It will focus on the future of confidential computing and how it will impact web three, blockchain, and distributed ledgers. Confidential containers are a significant area of cloud-native development, and many products are coming. This technology is now available and ready to use today, and vendors can take your real-life workload data on board. Confidential computing is exciting because it is a natural solution to data security and privacy. Confidential computing technology puts data protection in the hands of users, providing a secure environment that enables data to be analyzed without exposure. As confidentiality becomes increasingly essential, confidential computing will become ubiquitous, and it is something that any organization should use to safeguard sensitive data. So if you’re interested in implementing confidential computing in your environment, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for assistance. Confidential computing is doable, and companies like Intel are willing and able to help customers in this journey.

Podcast Transcript