Jesse Schrater

Global Director of Security Technologies, Intel Data Center Sales

With over 30 years of experience in Information Technology, Jesse has an extensive background in driving technology solutions for large organizations. He has led engineering, service, and marketing teams in enterprise cloud and cybersecurity domains. Jesse currently leads go-to-market activities for Intel data center security technologies. Prior to joining Intel, Jesse was a consulting Systems Analyst for the State of California and served in Intelligence Systems for the US Air Force. Jesse has an MS in Information Technology and a BS in Computer Science, both from the University of Maryland.


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143 - Use Cases in Confidential Computing
In this episode of Embracing Digital Transformation Dr. Anna Scott continues her conversation with Ibett Acarapi and Jesse Schrater about Confidential Computing and their uses in AI, and software development.

142 - Data Protection with Confidential Computing
In this episode Dr. Anna Scott interviews Jesse Schrater and Ibett Acarapi about how to protect data using confidential computing.

27 - Hardware Security: Imperative for Transforming Data
Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect, Public Sector, Intel, and Jesse Schrater, Security Manager, Data Platforms Group, Intel, discuss the current security landscape and how Intel’s SGX and partnered ecosystem offers a timely and tested solution for data in use and other security concerns.