

153 - Training the Next Generation in AI
In this podcast episode, Pete Schmitz, a retired Intel account executive, talks about his work with high school students in teaching them about AI and how to use it in their robotics competitions. He explains that these competitions require the use of autonomy, and AI is a crucial component in achieving that. Pete shares an example of how computer vision, powered by AI, is used in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's unmanned surface vehicle, DARPA D Hunter.

92 - Protecting the Outer Walls of your Castle with Vulnerability Scans
On this episode, Darren talks to Matt Lembright, Director of Federal Applications, Censys, about how Censys assesses the attack surface for internet-connected devices, allowing organizations to eliminate vulnerabilities.

26 - Multi Cloud Data Solutions with Hammerspace
Johan Ballin, Director of Technical Marketing at Hammerspace and Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect, Public Sector, at Intel discuss Hammerspace’s hybrid cloud technology that untethers data from storage infrastructure, providing data portability and performance.