

173 - Generative AI with Claude
In this episode, Darren interviews ClaudeAI, a generative AI, about automating work with AI. This is Darren's third interview with a generative AI, after ChatGPT and Google Bard.

156 - Becoming a Data Ready Organization
In the podcast episode, retired Rear Admiral Ron Fritzmeier joins host Darren Pulsipher to discuss the importance of data management in the context of generative artificial intelligence (AI). With a background in electrical engineering and extensive experience in the cyber and cybersecurity fields, Ron provides valuable insights into the evolving field of data management and its critical role in organizational success in the digital age.

155 - GenAI Advisor for Datacenter Management
In this episode host Darren Pulsipher sits down with Greg Campbell, CTO of Verge.io, to discuss the exciting intersection of AI and infrastructure management. Greg, a software developer and entrepreneur, shares his journey of creating Verge.io to address the complexities of infrastructure stitching and management.

131 - Digital Transformation in Federal Government
In this episode, Darren interview Mark Valcich director and GM of Federal Civilian Public Sector at Intel. Mark's years of experience shine as he describes the current trends in digital transformation in the federal civilian government.

122 - Automation with AI
In this episode Darren Interviews ChatGPT from OpenAI about utilizing AI for automation, the ethics of using AI, and the replacement of information workers.

118 - What's ahead in 2023
In this episode Darren talks about what's in store for 2023 where he reviews his predictions on the critical elements of digital transformation in the year ahead.

113 - Operationalizing Business Process Management
In this episode, Darren discusses business process management and automation with Max Young, CEO of Capital BPM

88 - Collaborative DevSecOps
On this episode, Darren talks with Sophos’ Callen Sapien, Director of Product Management, Sophos Factory, and Mike Fraser, VP of DevSecOps about their product that allows for truly collaborative SecDevOps.

53 - DevOps with Speed While Reducing Risk
In this episode, Robert Boule, Head of Solution Engineering at OpsMx, joins Darren to talk about improving speed without increasing risk in the DevOps process. The three key areas to balance in software delivery are velocity, risk, and quality. Most can manage one or two of these things, but adding the third can get difficult. For example, you might be able to deliver at velocity because you have a great cd system, but once you introduce compliance and policy checks, you are faced with a challenge. Do you stop and check those things, or maybe ingest some results from another tool? Suddenly, your velocity suffers.

52 - Telemetry in the Cloud
Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect, Intel, talks to Josh Hilliker, Director of Cloud Solution Architects at Intel about using telemetry in the cloud to maximize value and efficiency.

42 - Securing the DevOps Pipeline = SecDevOps
In this episode, Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect at Intel, and Steve Orrin, CTO of Intel, Federal, discuss why and how the DevOps pipeline must be secured. The only way to deliver solid, resilient, and secure code is if security is built in, and the earlier the better.

41 - The Black Art of DevOps
Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect, Public Sector, Intel, defines common DevOps terms and explains where DevOps fits into your organization.

38 - Roaring 20's a Look Forward to 2021
In this episode, Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solution Architect at Intel, asks Rachel Mushawar, VP of Sales at Intel, for her insight on what’s ahead for the Roaring 20s after the disruption of COVID-19.

25 - Operationalizing Data Pipelines
Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solutions Architect, Public Sector, Intel, talks to Sarah Kalicin, Lead Data Scientist, Intel about operationalizing your organization’s data pipeline. It takes a team effort to model, monitor, and produce an ongoing source of valuable information. This is the final episode in the series Kick-starting your Organizational Transformation to Become Data-Centric.

5 - Infrastructure Maturity Model
Digital transformation can be difficult. Many organizations become paralyzed when trying to decipher all of the technologies that are thrown at them every day. On this journey, like any other, it is important to have a map. In this episode, Darren explains the Infrastructure Maturity Model to help organizations find out where they are in their digital transformation, where they can go next, and how to get there.