#118 What's ahead in 2023

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on Wed Jan 18 2023 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

with Darren W Pulsipher,

In this episode Darren talks about what's in store for 2023 where he reviews his predictions on the critical elements of digital transformation in the year ahead.


#cybersecurity #automation #edgecomputing #dataretentionpolicies #cloudcomputing #datamanagement #zerotrust #ransomware #multicloud

2023 appears to be a year of uncertainty as we begin this year with continued issues in the supply chain, cybersecurity, economic slowdown, and a reengineering of globalization. Even with all this uncertainty, there appear to be six technological trends that will continue to drive organizations’ digital transformation—namely, cyber security, automation, edge computing, cloud computing, web 3.0, and data management.


In 2022 there was a major increase in cyber security threats and infiltrations, which will continue in 2023. Specifically, critical infrastructure appears to be in the crosshairs of many Nation States and bad cyber actors. There is a high likelihood of continued ransomware attacks, specifically on critical infrastructure, in 2023. However, not all is lost. Improved cyber threat detection, remediation, and prevention technology will continue to give cyber professionals the tools needed to thwart cyber-attacks. Adopting zero-trust architecture and principles should continue to increase as cyber tools and technologies leverage zero-trust designs. Additionally, hardware cybersecurity technology will be more readily available in 2023, including encryption, key management, confidential computing, and hardware route of trust.


Automation will be essential in 2023 as organizations need help finding knowledgeable workers. Those who adopt automation will see improved performance, efficiency, and reliability in their back and front office processes. No-code and low-code technologies will be adopted in conjunction with a new breed of artificial intelligence. The best example of AI moving forward is chatGPT, which is already improving the productivity of solution architects, developers, and high school students writing senior papers. Organizations will look at reengineering processes geared towards automation and optimization, shedding off historically bureaucratic processes. The proliferation of neuromorphic computing and hardware-enabled AI will make AI more readily available to organizations through cloud service providers.

Edge Computing

Edge computing will continue to grow as private 5G networks begin to be adopted and a new generation of edge sensors starts to be deployed. With more data being generated at the edge, the edge needs to become more capable of performing inference and data analytics at the edge. Additionally, the edge increases the cybersecurity attacks surface, leaving organizations more vulnerable. New cybersecurity architectures, tools, and processes must be developed and deployed to protect the convergence of OT/IT infrastructure. Organizations will see the edge as a competitive advantage offering more services to their customers and constituents than previously imagined.

Web 3.0

All the hype around web 3.0 technologies will begin to be democratized and used in commercial settings. The fusion of AR VR and decentralized distributed applications will continue to evolve, and organizations will find ways of using these technologies to improve worker and customer experiences. Sharing information securely across multiple organizations will drive the use of distributed secure ledgers and the underlying blockchain technology. The learnings from the crypto meltdown will be leveraged to moderate the technological advances of decentralized smart contracts and currencies.


The major cloud service providers had a rough 2022 as an increase in customers taxed the infrastructure of the cloud service providers with several significant outages across multiple regions and clouds. Additionally, many organizations that move to the cloud in 2022 were surprised by the exorbitant cost of using the cloud, especially in egress costs. Cost and reliability drive organizations to the on-prem and regional cloud service providers. This change drives organizations to adopt an intelligent cloud approach to leverage multi-hybrid cloud architectures.

Data Management

With the improvement in edge technology and the proliferation of cloud technology, data is being spread all over this heterogenous ecosystem. The maturity of data mesh technology is providing a framework to help organizations manage the proliferation of data everywhere. Critical aspects of data need to be considered when deploying global data management strategies: Locality, classification, governance, and spoilage. Data spoilage can be measured as the value of data over some time.


With time we will find out what 2023 has in store for us; for now, we can plan to continue to drive digital transformation.

Podcast Transcript