Sarah Kalicin



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25 - Operationalizing Data Pipelines
Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solutions Architect, Public Sector, Intel, talks to Sarah Kalicin, Lead Data Scientist, Intel about operationalizing your organization’s data pipeline. It takes a team effort to model, monitor, and produce an ongoing source of valuable information. This is the final episode in the series Kick-starting your Organizational Transformation to Become Data-Centric.

23 - Insight Creation in Data-Centric Organizations
In part 5 of a series, Kick-starting your Organizational Transformation to Become Data Centric, Sarah Kalicin, Lead Data Scientist, Intel, and Darren Pulsipher, Chief Solutions Architect, Public Sector, Intel, discuss how to create insight using AI and machine learning in a data-centric organization.

15 - Kick-starting Organizational Transformation
Creating successful data-driven results starts with a strong organizational foundation. Darren and his guest Sarah Kalicin, Lead Data Scientist Data Center Group Intel, discuss the key aspects to this fundamental change.

14 - Kickstarting Your Organizational Transformation to Become Data-Centric
Today’s episode is all about kick-starting your organization to become data centric and the value this can bring. Darren’s special guest is Sarah Kalicin, lead data scientist for data centers at Intel.