#49 Remote Work Before, During and After the Pandemic

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on Wed May 05 2021 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

with Darren W Pulsipher, Rachel Dreikosen,

In this episode, Darren talks with Rachel Dreikosen, Business Development Manager in Public Sector at Intel, about how COVID-19 has effective her work-life balance and why she started a blog to help other female technical sales professionals.


#adaptiveleadership #communication #leadership #people

They identified four areas that have helped them not only survive but excel during this unusual time: Anticipate your manager’s needs, Communicate like your job depends on it (because it for sure does), Wave your flag by waving the flag for others, Block! That! Calendar!

Anticipate your manager’s needs

  • Guess what reporting your manager needs and have the information at your fingertips.

  • Sales reports, project status, and customer status should be proactively created.

Communicate like your job depends on it (because it for sure does)

  • Do not fill other’s email box with useless information

  • Put your ask at the beginning of the email. Then add backup information.

  • Give your team a summary of what you are doing with helpful information.

Wave your flag by waving the flag for others

  • A key component of success at any company is having visible, tangible accomplishments.

  • You cannot always put your head down and work and hope it speaks for itself.

  • Recognize others that helped you close the deal or finish the project.

Block! That! Calendar!

  • Set boundaries for family time and when work ends and begins.

  • Block off time for “you” time. You need time to rest your brain.

  • Set 5-10 minutes break between meetings,

  • Time to process your inbox

  • Time at the end of the day to process your day

Podcast Transcript