#176 Zero Trust Shared Data

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on Tue Dec 05 2023 00:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

with Shamim Naqvi, Darren W Pulsipher,

In this episode, Darren interviews Shammim Naqvi, the CEO and founder of SafelyShare, about managing and securing data in shared and collaborative environments using the zero-trust data model.


#informationsecuritymanagement #dataprivacy #zeroknowledgeproofs #datasecurity #zerotrust #cybersecurity

Shamim Naqvi: Pioneering Data Privacy in the Age of Zero Trust Security

In the ever-evolving world of computer science, addressing the issue of data privacy forms a daunting yet essential task. As digital transformations engulf every sphere of life, an increasing onus lies on preserving and protecting the user’s data. One expert battling this computational challenge head-on is Shamim Naqvi, a veteran technologist and the driving force behind the innovative startup, SafeliShare.

Prioritizing User Control in Data Privacy

In a universe swarming with security measures focusing mainly on encrypting network data or safeguarding ports, Naqvi’s approach stands out as he prioritizes how data is utilized during computation. It’s seldom about erecting impregnable walls, but aligning more towards enabling the users to dictate the use of their data.

Naqvi’s trailblazing approach seeks to solve a previously unsolved conundrum: stopping unauthorized usage of user data. This issue is often a surreptitious byproduct of the trade between users and service providers—exchange of data for services. Over time, however, this data tends to stray into territories not intended by the users, triggering severe privacy concerns.

Zero-Knowledge Proofs: A Gamechanger for Data Privacy

In his quest for achieving data privacy, Naqvi gives special attention to a mathematical concept—zero-knowledge proofs—that promotes data verification without acquiring any excess knowledge from the verification process. Despite offering an impeccable solution, the multifaceted mathematics behind zero-knowledge proofs pose a significant challenge for their efficient implementation in real-world applications.

Data Security in Naqvi’s Startup Project: SafeliShare

Naqvi’s cutting-edge firm, SafeliShared, is making giant strides in striking a balance between user convenience and data privacy. Its motto, “share but not lose control,” is a testament to its mission to foster a secure computing environment that leaves no data unprotected.

Valuing Data Privacy in A Zero Trust Security Age

In this modern era, where trust and secrecy are paramount, the idea of user’s control over their data is widely welcomed. It’s a thrilling challenge—making data privacy more accessible—and at the helm of SafeliShare, Shamim Naqvi is breaking new grounds with his innovative approaches to secure this privacy.

Podcast Transcript