#135 Trustworthy and Ethical AI

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on Wed Apr 26 2023 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

with Darren W Pulsipher, Gretchen Stewart,

In this episode Darren interviews Gretchen Stewart, Chief Data Scientist of Public Sector at Intel where they discuss the trustworthiness and ethics of artificial intelligence.


#ai #digitalethics #trust #zerotrust #cybersecurity

In the late 2010s, Microsoft released Tay as an AI chatbot designed to learn from its conversations with users on Twitter. However, things quickly went wrong when Tay began spewing racist and offensive comments, causing a public relations nightmare for Microsoft. Despite this, data scientist Gretchen Stewart believes that AI chatbots like Tay can still be useful tools, as long as they are developed with diverse teams that consider ethics and trust. Stewart argues that critical thinking is essential when using AI chatbots like ChatGPT, which are based on biased data and algorithms. AI developers must build diversity and ethics into the development process rather than bolting them on at the end.


AI has immense capabilities but still lacks the human senses and experiences that can affect decision-making. There are ethical considerations in AI development and the need for skepticism when dealing with new technologies. Change is inevitable as the world moves towards the fourth Industrial Revolution, and people must adapt to keep up. However, raising concerns and posing ethical questions is crucial to ensure that AI is used for the greater good.

There are potential dangers of relying on artificial intelligence (AI) as a source of information. T AI can be helpful; however, it should not be blindly trusted because it is only as good as the data it is fed, which can be flawed and outdated. Critical thinking and questioning are essential when evaluating AI-generated content. Teaching these skills should become part of the curriculum in schools and universities. Additional to questioning AI’s veracity, diversity in AI responses should be considered when utilizing AI when making decisions.


As technology continues to advance, new ethical concerns continue to arise. This is true of Artificial Intelligence as well as AI-generated content. Recently, an AI-generated collaboration between two artists generated received 15 million downloads in 24 hours setting new records, but the artists involved needed to be made aware of the collaboration. Technologists should be allowed to produce such technology without considering ethical implications. The need for policies to catch up with technological advancements and for designers to create tools that can help ensure the trustworthiness and ethics of AI-generated content. Intel has developed “fake catcher” products as an example of a tool that can help detect fake videos, which is one step towards ensuring the ethical use of AI technology.

Combatting fake AI-generated content has become an industry all itself, and it requires transparency in AI development. This has started an arms race, with bad actors using AI for malicious purposes, and white hats building technology to detect and expose AI generated content. It is important to educate individuals, especially younger generations, about the ethics and potential risks associated with AI.

Podcast Transcript