#127 Innovation as a Service

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on Wed Mar 08 2023 16:00:00 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

with Darren W Pulsipher, Andrew Cohen,

On this episode Darren interviews Andrew Cohen Managing Director at Netsurit about providing Inovation as a Service to it customers through process re-engineering and automation.


#businessprocessreengineering #innovation #collaboration #multicloud #zerotrust #cybersecurity

Digital transformation has become a buzzword in business, with companies investing heavily in new technology solutions to optimize their operations. However, despite the benefits of these technologies, many companies still need help to keep up with the pace of change and fully utilize the potential of their investments.

Andrew Cohen, managing director of Netsurit and former CEO of Evoke, has dedicated his career to helping companies innovate and embrace digital transformation. Cohen leads Netsurit Automate, an innovation team that creates automation to help companies accelerate better processes and improvements.

Netsurit Automate’s approach to innovation as a service, where perpetual innovation and perpetual agility are key. The team identifies areas of challenge from manual, repetitive processes, disparate systems, and workforces that need to communicate better and create solutions that leverage technology investments. They help implement the solutions and look for opportunities to help with customer experiences.

One of the critical factors in helping organizations automate their process improvement is identifying the organization’s “Jackrabbits” and “Junkers.” “Jack Rabbits” are people or teams that move so fast, adopting new technology and automation, that they overlook important details, creating solutions that don’t solve the whole problem. On the other hand, “Junkers” are bureaucratic organizations that resist change at all costs, thwarting any automation or process improvement. Cohen’s organization aims to create what he coins “Juggernauts” that have the best of both worlds.

Cohen emphasizes that his team acts as a third-party agnostic team to identify and address issues with ad hoc processes and help companies scale, creating their Juggernauts. They provide process re-engineering and process automation services to help organizations optimize their processes, focusing on finding the most feasible solution for maximum value, which may only sometimes involve automation. They also help companies improve collaboration and user adoption of existing technology through a high-engagement model.

One of the challenges that many companies face in digital transformation is keeping up with the latest technology tools and investing in Microsoft solutions. Cohen notes that many companies may have invested in Microsoft licenses but don’t utilize the technology to its full potential. Netsurit Automate partners with enterprise clients to implement modernization opportunities and hyper-automation solutions, working alongside the enterprise teams.

The team at Netsurit Automate has a unique approach to delivering solutions. They identify the business problem and measure the ROI before building, then continue to measure and chart the solution’s effectiveness post-delivery. This approach ensures that their solutions deliver ROI and have skin in the game.

Cohen shares two examples of successful process automation solutions for two companies in supply chain management. One example is a mobile app that simplifies and automates a centralized email inbox for a company with a force of 5,000 field sales. The app reduced response time from 24-48 hours to 3-4 minutes, freeing employees from doing email triage and allowing them to focus on more valuable work. Another example is an inventory management dashboard for a medical device manufacturer, which unexpectedly changed the whole sales methodology and made the sales fulfillment process quicker.

Innovation is critical for companies to remain competitive and adapt to changing market conditions. Netsurit Automate’s approach to innovation as a service provides companies with perpetual innovation and perpetual agility, enabling them to keep up with the latest technology tools and utilize their investments fully. Their focus on finding feasible solutions for maximum value and high engagement with clients ensures the success of their solutions and the adoption of technology by users. By automating processes and utilizing AI and machine learning, companies can optimize their operations, making information workers more efficient, but not necessarily replacing jobs entirely.

Podcast Transcript