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Digital Transformation news for June 16, 2024, including artificial intelligence, data management, and cybersecurity news. This week, listen to the Pope weigh into the AI debate, how AI is managing the data it needs, and how a top cyber hacker is apprehended.


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Artificial Intelligence

Researchers have recently unearthed a concerning exploit, dubbed the ‘Sleepy Pickle’, that poses a significant threat to the security of machine learning (ML) models. This exploit, which injects malicious code during packaging, targets the integrity of ML models, leading them to perform unintended actions. By exploiting vulnerabilities in the pickle serialization format, attackers can manipulate models without detection, thereby jeopardizing the reliability of AI-driven applications. Read More

Remember: AI has made serious errors, from chatbots giving lousy advice to facial recognition falsely identifying people. Examples include Air Canada’s chatbot causing legal problems and Microsoft’s Tay posting inappropriate tweets. Amazon’s AI showed bias against women, and medical chatbots have given harmful advice. AI recruitment tools have been discriminatory, and deepfake scams have caused financial losses. These incidents highlight the need for careful AI oversight. Read More

Pope Francis highlighted the importance of maintaining human dignity in developing and using artificial intelligence (AI) during the G7 summit. He warned against reducing human relations to algorithms and urged politicians to keep AI human-centric. He also called for a ban on lethal autonomous weapons and emphasized the ethical risks of AI lacking human values. The G7 leaders’ final statement reflected these concerns, committing to better governance of AI to protect human dignity and address potential impacts. Read More

Data Management

Meta, in a significant move, has halted its AI training using European user data at the behest of the Irish Data Protection Commission. The company’s plan to utilize public content from Facebook and Instagram without explicit user consent, citing ‘Legitimate Interests’, has been put on hold. This pause has a profound impact on Meta’s AI development in Europe, where the stringent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in effect. Meta is committed to complying with European laws while addressing the privacy concerns raised by regulators and advocacy groups. Read More

Vermont Governor Phil Scott vetoed a robust data privacy bill, citing concerns it would make the state overly hostile to businesses. The bill, designed to restrict the sale of sensitive data and allow consumers to sue for privacy breaches, was deemed potentially harmful to mid-sized and small businesses. The Democrat-controlled Legislature plans to override the veto in a special session. Read More

In an interesting co-dependent relationship, AI is transforming data management by enhancing efficiency and decision-making processes. Organizations are leveraging AI to handle large volumes of data and generate actionable insights. Does this mean AI will begin to expand its knowledge by managing and discovering data on its own? This is something we should be watching with a cautious eye. Read More


A UK hacker associated with the notorious Scattered Spider group has been apprehended. The group, known for high-profile cyber attacks, poses significant security risks. Authorities emphasize the hacker’s capture as a major victory in cybercrime prevention. This incident underscores the ongoing threat of cybercriminal activities and the importance of enhanced cybersecurity measures. Read More

With escalating cyber threats, industries like finance, healthcare, and government are adopting military-grade cyber defenses. Under stringent regulatory pressures, these sectors seek robust cybersecurity measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance. Military technologies such as real-time analytics, machine learning, and threat intelligence are increasingly used to preempt and neutralize attacks. Collaboration with defense agencies enhances these efforts, aiming to safeguard critical infrastructure against external and insider threats. Read More

Cyberwar spreads beyond the primary players! Security researchers from Cisco Talos and Volexity have uncovered two separate espionage campaigns by Pakistani threat actors targeting Indian government entities. The campaigns, identified as “Operation Celestial Force” and involving malware such as GravityRAT and Disgomoji, aim at the defense and government sectors. The attackers use spear phishing and social engineering tactics to infiltrate systems. This activity highlights ongoing cybersecurity tensions between the neighboring countries. Read More

Embracing Digital Transformation

This week, Darren continues his interview with Steve Orrin on securing Generative AI in the enterprise and how Generative AI is starting to fight our cyber battles for us. On a side note, many have asked if ED-T, the newscast’s mascot, is real. He absolutely is. He was a Christmas gift from Darren’s kids and has turned into a common fixture on the newscast. You can check out his fish cam on our YouTube site. Read More