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Relevance: Microsoft Uncovers Increase in Cyberattacks Targeting OT Devices covers the topic comprehensively by showcasing the importance of robust security practices in the face of increased cyber threats. The video explores Microsoft's findings and offers crucial advice on enhancing operational technology (OT) security. Length: This video provides a deep dive (over 200 words) into the alarming escalation of cyberattacks specifically targeting exposed OT devices. It delves into the reasons behind the vulnerability, shares advice to reduce attack surfaces and advocates for the adoption of zero-trust principles. Keywords: Microsoft, cyberattacks, operational technology (OT) devices, internet security, zero-trust principles, cyber threats, attack surface, security measures. Call-to-Action: Are you worried about OT device security? Subscribe to our channel for more insights and tips on how to implement stronger security measures. Like and comment on our video to share your thoughts. Links: Watch our other videos on OT security here [link]. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for updates on cyber threats and best practices. Timestamps: 00:10 – Introduction to OT Devices, 01:15 – Microsoft findings, 02:30 – Discussion on zero-trust principles, 04:00 – Tips to minimize attack surfaces Formatting: Presented in easy-to-digest segments with clear headings, this description allows for effortless navigation. Unique Value Proposition: This video offers first-hand insights from Microsoft, a global technology leader, on the escalating cyber threats against OT devices. Find out how reducing attack surfaces and adopting zero-trust principles can significantly enhance security. Branding: Brought to you by [Your Channel Name], your trusted source for all things cybersecurity. Optimization for Accessibility: [Image description: Microsoft logo] In light of increased cyber threats against OT devices, Microsoft advocates for better security measures. Update Frequency: Stay tuned for regular updates on latest cybersecurity news and threats. Avoid Keyword Stuffing: This description features keywords (Microsoft, OT devices, cyberattacks, internet security) naturally woven into the narrative, without overcrowding it.Blog: https://embracingdigital.org/brief-EDW70-frPodcast: https://share.transistor.fm/s/864bee12


#ai #edge #cybersecurity

Artificial Intelligence

According to MarketWatch, with an expected annualized growth rate of almost 27%, AI hardware, a $10 billion industry in 2021, is expected to be an $89 billion industry by 2030.


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) multi-million dollar GARD (Guaranteeing AI Robustness Against Deception) project, which has three key goals: Develop the algorithms that protect machine learning from vulnerabilities; Develop theories to ensure AI algorithms are defensible against attacks; and share the tools broadly.


Tom Brady threatened to sue comedians behind the AI standup video. Using data from interviews with Tom Brady and hundreds of thousands of hours of stand-up comedy footage the Dudsey branh simulated an hour-long stand-up comedy special.



A new report from CybelAngel has revealed the top five cybersecurity exposures that pose critical risks to organizations. The report identifies the main threats of cloud misconfigurations, supply chain vulnerabilities, ransomware attacks, phishing scams, and unpatched software. The report urges organizations to mitigate these risks and safeguard their systems and data proactively.


European air traffic control agency Eurocontrol has revealed that it experienced a cyber attack from Russia earlier this month. The attack targeted the agency’s systems, but Eurocontrol was able to contain and remediate the incident without any disruption to air traffic. The agency has warned other organizations to be vigilant and strengthen their defenses against cyber threats.


A critical vulnerability has been discovered in INEA’s industrial control system (ICS) product, which could allow remote attackers to take over affected systems and cause disruption or damage to industrial operations. The flaw, which affects all product versions, was discovered by researchers at Claroty. The company has urged organizations using the product to update to the latest version as soon as possible to mitigate the risk of exploitation.


Intelligent Edge

Kneron, a provider of edge artificial intelligence (AI) solutions, has acquired Otus, a maker of imaging solutions for autonomous vehicles. The acquisition will enable Kneron to leverage Otus’ expertise in developing compact, power-efficient cameras for edge AI applications. The acquisition is expected to accelerate the adoption of edge AI in the transportation industry.


Solo.io has launched Gloo Fabric, a secure multi-cloud service mesh platform for enterprise applications, supporting hybrid and multi-cloud environments, with a centralized dashboard for monitoring, managing and troubleshooting applications.


Canada’s government and Ericsson will invest CA$470m ($376m) in 5G and 6G R&D over five years to create a sustainable and secure telecommunications infrastructure, develop new use cases and applications including smart cities and connected vehicles.
